Sunday, May 23, 2010

Deadlock or Stop may happen when Using ServerXMLHTTP or XMLDocument Requests and Load Page to the Same Server

If you are failed to using ServerXMLHTTP send the request or using XMLDocument load a page in the same Server, you have to take look this below...
Using ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP objects to make recursive Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests to the same Internet Information Server (IIS) server is not recommended.
If the ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP component must send a request to another ASP on the same server, the target ASP must be located in a different virtual directory and set to run in high isolation. Avoid using ServerXMLHTTP or WinHTTP to send a request to an ASP that is located in the same virtual directory.
If all of the ASP worker threads send HTTP requests back to the same Inetinfo.exe or Dllhost.exe process on the server from which the requests are sent, the Inetinfo.exe or Dllhost.exe process may deadlock or stop responding (hang)
How Resolve This Problem
For IIS 6.0 you can create a new application pool, put all the request pages in a virtual directory and set the Application Pool to the new pool.