Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Windows Media Player PARAM Elements

PARAM Elements in an OBJECT Element
Windows Media Player uses the PARAM element to define specific startup conditions for the control. The PARAM element is embedded inside the OBJECT element.
For example, if you want to define whether the autoStart property is True, you would embed the PARAM element inside the OBJECT element.

<OBJECT ID="Player"
    <PARAM name="autoStart" value="True">
You can have as many PARAM elements in an OBJECT element as you want. PARAM has two attributes, name and value. Both attributes must be set.
The supported PARAM attributes vary slightly among browsers and mime types. The following table shows the attributes supported by the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. The preferred mime type for the Firefox browser is application/x-ms-wmp, however, there are several other mime types that you can use to embed the Player control in a Web page hosted by the Firefox browser. The fourth column of the table shows the attributes that are supported when you use a mime type other than application/x-ms-wmp.
PARAM name Type Internet Explorer Firefox with mime type application/x-ms-wmp Firefox with any other mime type
autoStart Boolean, yes yes yes
balance Long, -100 to 100, default 0. yes yes yes
baseURL String , yes yes yes
captioningID String yes yes yes
currentMarker Long, default 0 yes yes yes
currentPosition Double, default 0 yes yes yes
defaultFrame String yes no no
enableContextMenu Boolean yes yes yes
enabled Boolean yes yes yes
enableErrorDialogs Boolean yes yes no
fileName String no yes yes
fullScreen Boolean yes no no
invokeURLs Boolean, default true yes no no
mute Boolean yes yes yes
playCount Long, 0 to ..n yes yes no
rate Double, default 1.0 yes yes yes
SAMIFileName String yes yes yes
SAMILang String yes yes yes
SAMIStyle String yes yes yes
SRC String no yes yes
stretchToFit Boolean, default false yes yes no
URL String yes yes yes
volume Long, 0 to ..n yes yes yes
windowlessVideo Boolean, default false yes yes yes

Note  The fileName and SRC PARAM elements are supported by the Firefox plug-in, but not by Internet Explorer. They both perform the same function as the URL PARAM element.
See the Object Model Reference for Scripting for more details about the values for each name attribute.

See Also

Using the Windows Media Player Control in a Web Page