Thursday, November 12, 2015

How to Enable Win XP, Win 2003 ... to access NAS Network

To access the network shares Windows relies on one of the Windows Service "Network DDE DSDM" also known "Manages Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)", If this service is stopped, DDE network shares will be unavailable.

To Start this Service:
Go to Windows Start Button-->Administrative Tools-->Services, locate "Network DDE DSDM" and to set it to "Automatic" then start up the service.

Friday, March 6, 2015

MySQL Settings

Configuration File Location:
for Windows 7:  C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini

How to move database to different directory

  1. Stop the MySQL instance service.
  2. Copy the data directory to the location where the new data directory should be.
  3. Giving a full control privileges to user NetworkService on the new data directory, otherwise the service won't start.