Shame the MS IE bad ass once again trying to break down the web developers...
When you using jQuery .apend() function in IE 7 or 8, It will throw a error and break the web page function down.
for example the code below will throw an error and stop to continue execute the rest of the code after this line:
There is a example can solve this problem which is using XML DOM.
var strXml = "<root>"
+ "<publish>"
+ " <store>"
+ " <book title=\"How to fix IE\"/>"
+ " </store>"
+ "</publish>"
+ "</root>";
// Build XML document
var xDoc = $.parseXML(strXml);
// create new child element using XML Document
var xBook = xDoc.createElement("book");
// setting the attributes of child element using XML DOM method
xBook.setAttribute("title", "How to fix bad ass IE!");
// setting the attributes of child element using jQuery
$(xBook).attr("authr", "Bill ...");
// Append child element to some where in the XML Document
var xStore = $(xDoc).find("store");